hide files into images using steganography
1. Create a new folder anywhere in your system. For example: "D:\NewFolder".
2. Select all files you want to hide and get them zipped using WinZip or WinRar. Let this file be called 'example.rar'.
3. Select an image file like 'ppp.jpg' in which you want to hide your 'example.rar'.
4. Place both 'ppp.jpg' and 'example.rar' into the folder you created.
5. Open command prompt (press 'Window+R', type 'cmd' & press 'Enter' key).
6. In Command Prompt window, navigate to the folder where you placed both 'ppp.jpg' & 'example.rar' files. Just type
"cd folder-path"
for example: cd D:\New Folder
in Command Prompt.
7. Type following command very carefully in Command Prompt:
copy /b ppp.jpg+example.rar ppp.jpg.
8. done! If everything went good, 'example.rar' (contains all those files you want to hide) has been hidden in the 'ppp.jpg' (image file you selected).
The image file's extension will be as .jpg not as .rar